This Week on Earth Station DCU! Drew Leiter and Cletus Jacobs follow Simon and Jessica in training on Mogo. In Action Comics #984, Superman was lost, but now his is found...he was blind, but now he can see! In Flash #27, Flash goes all negative on Eobard Thawne and Iris West! In Wonder Woman #27, Diana hangs out with Etta Candy as they binge watch her favorite television series...How you doing? All this plus, DC News, Cletus's pick of the week, and much, much more!
Table of Contents
0:00:00 Show Open
0:01:21 DC News
0:08:30 Action Comics #984
0:16:32 The Flash #27
0:22:00 Wonder Woman #27
0:30:00 Main Topic: Catching up with The Green Lanterns
Issues 22-24 Lost in Space
Issue 25 – Return of the First Lantern
Issue 26 – The First Ring
0:56:16 Show Close
Green Lantern: Wrath of the First Lantern (Cletus's Read More Comics Pick)
The Chameleon Chronicles: Colors of Fate
The Chameleon Chronicles: Sisters of the Thorn
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